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A truly diverse workforce, supported by sustainable and inclusive policies, is the foundation of a thriving, innovative, and resilient business. Building a diverse workforce begins with a DEI-led talent strategy, and if the goal is to implement one successfully, a comprehensive DEI audit needs to be the first step. DEI
As leaders, our values – the core motives, interests, and beliefs that determine what we desire and strive to attain – have tremendous consequence. Values influence which type of position, job, and environment will be most motivating for us and when we will feel the most satisfied. Our unconscious biases,
At Corporate Diversity Pathways, we are proud to be a member of the WGEA Pay Equity Leadership Network. We know that gender diversity drives revenue, increases company profitability, drives innovation and employee engagement leading to peak productivity and performance.
As we look ahead into the future, our leaders will be those who empower gender equality amongst their employees through Diversity + Inclusion. In Australia, companies are realising that women are good for business.
CDP is privileged to be the preferred People, Performance and Culture business partner on behalf of Australia’s leading organisations.
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MELBOURNE: Level 8, 805/220 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
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